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Wanna go to Jogja?

Jogyakarta (also known as "Jogja") is a special city in Indonesia. It has also a special region status (Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta - DIY). For tourists, Yogya is probably the second choice of city to visit after Bali.
Jogja has one of the old and big University in Indonesia that is Gadjah Mada University (my lovely campus). Some of major got under 100 rank in world class university. (next i’l show detail).
Something I really miss is do “sunmor” meaning do Sunday Morning. Yup , going to bunderan –a centre place of the college-do jogging or just walking slowly.Sight seeing and eating ,of course. It just like morning market. You can find food, snack,clothes, bags and many things other.
Hangout with our friend, your couple or your family, an dlistening to live music..;-)

Traditional food (such as "gudeg") is good and cheap. Many people eat on the street, sitting on the floor. This is called "lesehan". Becareful before you eat, ask first for the price. There are some bad food stalls who charge you an arm and a leg. Another popular snack is "Bakpia Pathok".

Another best location for doing "lesehan" and enjoying cheapest food is in "Lesehan Kali Code". It's located just beside Code River (code-spell in bahasa -c o d e). I hope it's still exist-best place for gathering with your friend :-D

There's a lot of hotels, houses to stay. For backbackers you can find Rp.25.000 ($2-average rate $1=Rp.12.000) for small hotel called "wisma".Some others offer until Rp.300.000 ($25).They are located around malioboro street. But be careful to find a safe one. Wait -even you can find some hotel without star :-) around my campus-cheaper of course. Such as TALENTA WISMA
If you like comfortable place , there are many good international star hotel: Melia Purosani (Malioboro), Grand Hyatt(Road of Jogja-Solo),Saphir hotel(Road of Jogja-Solo),Novotel (Kotabaru)

Things to buy
• Batik. You can find various type of Batik shirts, shorts, table cloth, and more.
• Silver. Close to Yogya there is a city called Kota Gede, which is famous for its silvery.

What to visit
Borobudur, the largest Buddhist monument in existence in the world. [Still in search for a legal picture of Borobudur.] Other than the Borobudur, you can visit other famous temples such as Prambanan.
Jogjakarta Palace. This is a house of a King in Jogjakarta called Sultan. If you are lucky you can see traditional dance over there. Some part of bulding are forbiden to visited.
Beaches. There are so many beaches located in Jogjakarta. Beside Parangtritis-the famous one-You can come to Gunung Kidul Beachea like Baron,Sundak, Kukup,and Krakal Beach. You can enjoy white sand with beautiful view of rock round in.
Malioboro street. The street where you can find things to buy. Down town area. If you've never been to Malioboro street, then you've never been in Yogya. You can ride "becak" (a pedalled 3-wheel thing) to go to this street. In fact, there's also becak that can take your around Malioboro for Rp 1,000 (US 15cents). Cheap! On this street you'll find people selling souvenirs, batiks, and stuff. They are cheaper than things you'll find in store. So buy them there. You may have to haggle to get the right price, though. Walk around and you'll find the right price.
Dagadu. It's a popular T-shirt maker with funny text (unfortunately in Indonesian language). The real Dagadu T-shirts are sold in the Mall. You'll find lots of Dagadu clones.


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